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Bone Regeneration

Revolutionizing Oral Health with Advanced Bone Regeneration

Turabi Dentistry is at the forefront of oral health innovation, offering state-of-the-art Bone Regeneration services to restore and enhance the strength and structure of your jawbone.

Our specialized techniques and cutting-edge technologies provide effective solutions for patients seeking optimal oral health and implant success.

Benefits of Bone Regeneration:

Why choose bone regeneration

We know that for many patients, a surgical procedure such as bone regeneration can feel daunting. We’re dedicated to making sure you feel comfortable in every appointment, and we’ll take all the time you need to talk through any worries or concerns you might have. We can also provide sedation if you are very anxious.

Why would you need bone regeneration?

If you have had missing teeth for several years, you may have suffered some loss of bone in your jaw. This means that your jaw might not now be a strong enough base for dental implants to be fitted.

What types of bone regeneration procedures are there?

Sinus Augmentation

If an oral examination reveals there isn’t enough bone height in your upper jaw or the sinuses are very close to the jaw for a dental implant to be placed, this procedure may be an alternative option.In this procedure, your surgeon will cut gum tissue in the vacant spot left by your back teeth. Gum tissue is raised to expose the bone and a small window in the bone is opened. 

Ridge Modification

There may be a situation where you have a defect in your jawbone. If you have inadequate bone, lifting the gum away from the ridge exposes the deformity.

Bone Grafting

At times, the quality and amount of bone is not enough for stability of the implants and you may need bone grafting on both single implants or All On 4. This can be done at both the time of implant placement or prior to implant placement depending on the case.

Schedule Your Consultation:

Ready to prioritize your oral health with comprehensive general dentistry? Contact Turabi Dentistry to schedule an appointment. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized and effective care for you and your family.

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