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Gum Disease Treatment

Restore Gum Health with Comprehensive Periodontal Care

Prioritize your gum health and prevent the progression of gum disease with expert treatment at Turabi Dentistry. Our dedicated team of dental professionals is committed to providing comprehensive periodontal care, preserving the health of your gums and supporting structures.

If you are experiencing symptoms of gum disease, such as redness, swelling, bleeding gums, gum disease treatment may be recommended.The specialty of periodontics is responsible for the well-being of the gums and dental bone.
The symptoms that can present in patients with periodontal disease are bleeding gums, accumulations of tartar, severe dental mobility, absence of teeth, purulent exudate, bad breath, among others.
The initial appointment is to carry out a clinical review, periodontal probe, photographs, brushing technique explanation, and begin the hygiene phase.
When the periodontal problem is severe, we need to address the hygienic phase with scaling, root planing, removal, and curettage or what is commonly known as (deep cleaning).
When the gum problem is severe, a surgical phase will be needed to eliminate the disease internally or what is known as open curettage to eliminate the periodontal pockets. Once this phase is complete the patient will have to follow a rigorous hygiene regimen.

Periodontist can attend issues

  • Aesthetic gum trimming (improves simple “gummy smiles”).
  • Connective tissue graft or gum graft in patients who present gingival recessions and sensitivity for it.
  • Dental Implants (In the absence of teeth).
  • Bone graft (For future placement of implants).
  • Tissue regeneration (bone grafting in affected teeth).
  • Surgical extractions of third molars.
  • Multiple extractions for immediate prosthetics.

Benefits of Gum Disease:

Schedule Your Consultation:

Ready to prioritize your gum health? Contact Turabi Dentistry to schedule a consultation for gum disease treatment. Our experienced dental team is dedicated to providing personalized and effective periodontal care.

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